Looking for a New Job?
The Sidney BIA and Beacon Community Services are thrilled to present the Sidney Employment Expo on March 12, from 2–5 PM at the Mary Winspear Centre.
Connect with over 30 local employers, showcase your talents and take part in instant interviews. Everyone welcome!
Questions? Email: natalie@sidneybia.ca
Amica Senior Lifestyles
Association of British Columbia Marine Industries (ABCMI)
Barr Yacht Services Ltd.
BC Ferries
Beacon Law Centre
Canadian Coast Guard
Canadian Tire – North Saanich
Cloverdale Paint
Departures Travel
ETHOS Career Management Group
Far and Away Adventures
Jazz Aviation LP
LML Cleaning Services
Motorize Electric Vehicles & Detail Studio
Oceanus Reinforced Plastics Ltd.
Panorama Recreation
Peninsula Lifetime Eyecare Centre
Peninsula Veterinary Hospital
Philbrook’s Boatyard Ltd.
Saanich Peninsula Sewer & Drainage
Simply Pure Ice & Water
Sidney All Care Residence
Sweenie Moving LTD
Tsartlip First Nation